Cynthia Shuken Shiatsu

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Cynthia Shuken MRSS (TT)

Cynthia is a co-founder and a principle teacher and teacher-trainer at The Shiatsu School Edinburgh. A graduate of The Glasgow School of Shiatsu, she has been practising Shiatsu part time since 1993 and has been teaching for the last 20 years. As well as her first teacher, Elaine Liechti, she completed the Diploma in Movement Shiatsu with Bill Palmer. She has also studied with a number of other notable Shiatsu teachers, such as Nicola Pooley, Cliff Andrews, and the late Pauline Sasaki.

Cynthia is particularly interested in the unity of body, emotions and mind, and her work is influenced by her studies of counselling and Gestalt psychotherapy. She holds a Certificate in Counselling Skills with Moray House Institute of Education, and a Certificate in Gestalt from the Gestalt Trust, and over many years has been studying Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy (DSP) with Ruella Frank of New York. DSP is a relational and movement-oriented approach to psychotherapy within a Gestalt therapy framework.

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